Happy Holidays and Getting To Know Dr. J

First - Happy Holidays! For people suffering with dry eyes (or any chronic disease), it can sometimes be hard to have your best celebration for any occasion, but many professionals (including me) are working hard to deal better with this (otherwise if untreated) chronic, progressive disease.

Getting to know Dr. J is a video co-produced by (my wife and I’s eldest grandchild) Ladybird Slater for a school project for her college, the University of New Hampshire. I don’t get the chance to discuss dry eye (most will sigh with relief over that), but it does give a glimpse into my past and present life. Hope you like it (we think she did a great job!)!

Getting to know Dr. J


Why do my eyes feel tired all the time?


More about CCH (When the eye’s white surface turns to a washboard and tears have an obstacle course…)